Product manager, product coach, self taught programmer and start up founder over 7 years.

Hi, I'm Jack

An experienced product manager, self-taught programmer and startup founder with over 7 years' experience building products people love.

Here's what I can bring to your team

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Aligning Stakeholders

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Having worked in a large organisation made up of thousands of colleagues working across dozens of teams, I have built extensive experience in managing and aligning stakeholders to deliver product outcomes. I am well versed at all levels of stakeholder management, from ensuring those in immediate teams are aligned on the existing priorities, to building consesus with external teams to support with new priorities and ensuring senior level support in delivering entire new programmes of work.

Some of the things I have accomplished:

Wrote a weekly update bulletin for 3 years which at peak had 130 active readers
Pioneered the use of Talk Tracks within Miro to provide on-the-go executive summaries of key pieces of work
Launched a fully transparent Aha roadmap which allowed all members of the organisation to see the status of any given piece of work and impact on existing OKRs and priorities
Set up Tesco's first cross functional squad, having worked with 8 different job families and their respective leaders to get buy-in for my area

Where you'll see me adding value:

Ensuring priorities are clear, transparent and readily available for those across the organisation
Building consensus for and alignment of priorities between teams
Adapting communication styles based on stakeholder expectations and their priorities

By bringing my experience in:

Providing clear, regular communication on what is in progress and upcoming priorities
Building strong relationships with colleagues from across the organisation to ensure alignment of existing priorities and dependencies

Having worked with these extremely talented folks:

My achievements in this field would not have been possible without the guidance and knowledge of incredible colleagues. If you're looking to work with other strong product people, I can't recommend these folks enough.

Stephen Garrett

Stephen Garrett (Product Leader)

Stephen Garrett

Stephen was instrumental in my development as a product manager and leader. One of the best stakeholder managers I ever had the privillege to work with, Stephen was critical in building consesus to launch some of the first cross functional squads at Tesco and Tesco's response to the early days of 2020 COVID pandemic.